• Genetics of Healthy Eating

    Updated: 2012-12-31 20:26:41
    “Whether we like certain foods or not may be something we have no control over. Dr Eileen Gibney discusses how our genes can influence our food choices and how this may determine how healthy our diets really are.” - UCDAlumni1  

  • Robots to Help Teach Autistic Children

    Updated: 2012-12-31 20:26:41
    Blog Events Multimedia About Purpose Programs Publications Staff Contact Join Login Register Support the IEET The IEET is a 501(c 3 non-profit , tax-exempt organization registered in the State of Connecticut in the United States . Please give as you are able , and help support our work for a brighter . future Via PayPal Subscribe to : Technoprogressive BioConservative Huh Quick overview of biopolitical points of view Submit to the IEET IEET’s Africa Project Technoprogressive Anthology and Cell Phone Drive IEET Looking for Short Science Fiction IEET is seeking techno-progressive White Papers The Meaning of Outer Space The Ukrainian Human Barbie Doll Valeria Lukyanova is this the future of cosmetic enhancement The Mailbag : First Contact 2 Is Intelligence Self-Limiting Cosmic Religions for

  • Supertree Grove, Gardens by the Bay: Singapore

    Updated: 2012-12-31 20:26:41
    “A one minute preview of the ‘Light & Sound Show’ that is on every evening at the Gardens by the Bay, Singapore.”

  • Fight Evil

    Updated: 2012-12-31 16:07:06
    (via LRA)

  • New Year’s Goblin

    Updated: 2012-12-31 13:01:00
    New Year's Goblin © Glendon MellowHappy New Year to all my friends, families and supporters of my art and The Flying Trilobite blog! Next year, may all your goblins be small-ish and cheery.- - - - - - - -Original artwork on The Flying Trilobite © to ...

  • why little things like labs matter in science

    Updated: 2012-12-30 14:37:27
    Granted, it’s been a few weeks since the Panda’s Thumb caught the Discovery Institute using a stock image for one of their research labs, but this seemingly little thing really matters because it’s another glaring example of how creationists are desperate to present “I don’t know, therefore an unspecified creator or designer which sounds suspiciously [...]

  • Thiel Fellowship Applications are Open Until December 31!

    Updated: 2012-12-27 00:07:04
    Think about the smartest teenager (under 20) you know. Is this person passionate about science, technology, or entrepreneurship? If so, talk to him or her about starting a business or developing an invention or breakthrough. The 20 under 20 Thiel … Continue reading →

  • an age extension drug too good to be true?

    Updated: 2012-12-20 14:58:10
    While studying what effect cell division has on cancer risk, a team of scientists decided to make mice that that produced excess levels of a protein called BubR1 and got results that seem way too promising at first blush. Not only were the engineered mice a third less likely to develop lung and skin cancers [...]

  • December 2012 Newsletter

    Updated: 2012-12-19 17:52:38
    Greetings from the Executive Director Dear friends of the Singularity Institute, This month marks the biggest shift in our operations since the Singularity Summit was founded in 2006. Now that Singularity University has acquired the Singularity Summit (details below), and … Continue reading →

  • and now for something surprisingly simpler

    Updated: 2012-12-18 14:27:13
    Usually a new discovery in deep space tends to further complicate our picture of the universe, almost as if the cosmos says "oh yeah, you think you have a good idea of how this works?" and throws a monkey wrench into the works, or sometimes, the whole screaming, angry monkey. So when it comes to [...]

  • fundamentalist ghouls descend on a tragedy

    Updated: 2012-12-15 14:21:50
    It seems that with every school shooting, there’s an almost inevitable parade of fundamentalists rushing to tell the world that we all as zealous about religious beliefs as they are, there would be no more gunmen bursting into schools and colleges and God would protect us all. If they really believe in this line of [...]

  • A pathography of aging

    Updated: 2012-12-14 19:25:28
    Institute for Evidence Based Cryonics Home About Organization What is cryonics Scientists' Open Letter on Cryonics Depressed Metabolism Blog Mailing Lists Sitemap A pathography of aging 14. December 2012 Comments Off Categories : Arts Living Health Written by : Aschwin de Wolf on December 14, 2012. In her book Reconstructing Illness : Studies in Pathography Anne Hunsaker Hawkins proposes that the modern pathography is replacing the accounts of religious conversion that were popular in earlier eras . What is a pathography One definition that I found is the study of the life of an individual or the history of a community with regard to the influence of a particular disease or psychological disorder . Reconstructing Illness is an extensive study of this genre , how individuals deal with a

  • 2012 Winter Matching Challenge!

    Updated: 2012-12-06 18:42:41
    Thanks to the generosity of several major donors,† every donation to the Singularity Institute made now until January 5th, 2013 will be matched dollar-for-dollar, up to a total of $115,000! Donate Now! Milestones: $0 $28.75K $57.5K $86.25K $115K Progress: $45331 … Continue reading →

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